- 17 February: Birth of Fyodor Teternikov. Father - Kuzma Afanasievich Tyutyunikov (+1867), taylor. Mother - Tatiana Semyonovna Teternikova (1832-1894), general servant.
- 11 June: Birth of sister Olga.
- March: Death of Sologub's father.
- Enters Nikolskoe parish school.
- Enters Vladimirskoe community school.
- Enters Rozhdestvenskoe municipal school.
- Finishes school and enters St. Petersburg Teachers' Training Institute.
- June: Sologub defends the graduation work The Animal Epos Fairy-tales and graduates from the Teachers' Training Institute.
- 1 July: Appointed a teacher of Narvskoe municipal school, thus begins his public service within the Ministry of Public Education.
- 17 August: Transferred to Krestetskoe municipal school in Krestsy (Novgorod province). A week later Sologub moves to Krestsy with his mother and sister.
- 28 January: The little poem Lisitsa i yozh (Fox And Hedgehog) published in the Vesna. This date is considered the beginning of Fyodor Sologub's literary life.
- October - November: Translates Euripides and Aeschylus.
- 1 October: Transferred to Velikolukskoe municipal school. Moves to Velikie Luki (Pskov province).
- April: Sologub's first article About Municipal Schools published in the Russki Nachalny Uchitel No. 4.
- Autumn: Transferred to Vytegorskaya teachers' seminary school. Moves to Vytegra (Olonets province).
- July: Travels to St. Petersburg to see Dmitri Merezhkovski and Nikolai Minski, one of the first Russian decadents and a member of the Severny Vestnik. Sologub missed Merezhkovski but met with Minski who liked much of Sologub's poetry.
- September: Moves back to St. Petersburg.
- Meets with the Severny Vestnik's editor-in-chief, Àkim Volynski.
- April: The pseudonym Sologub appears in print for the first time - a poem in the Severny Vestnik's 4th issue was signed with it.
- 5 September: Appointed a teacher of Rozhdestvenskoe municipal school.
- August - September: Sologub's first short story Ninochkina oshibka (Ninochka's Mistake) published in the Illustrirovanny Mir.
- Autumn: Death of Sologub's mother.
- November: Writes book-reviews for the Severny Vestnik. Sologub would have written more than 70 reviews by April 1897.
- Gets involved into the Petersburg world of writers and artists. Meets Zinaida Hippius, Anton Chekhov, Konstantin Fofanov, Konstantin Balmont, Vasili Rozanov, Valery Brusov.
- July - December: Sologub's first novel Heavy Dreams['Bad Dreams' in english translation] serialized in the Severny Vestnik. The novel was written in 1883-1894.
- December: Publishes the first collection of poems entitled simply Stikhi: Kniga I (Poems: The 1st Book).
- January: Awarded with an Order of St. Stanislaus of the 3rd class.
- 20 March: Bad Dreams published as book.
- October: Teni (Shadows), a united collection of short stories and The 2nd Book of Poems, published.
- April: The split with the editors of the Severny Vestnik. Sologub stops contributing to the magazine.
- July: The first series of Sologub's fairy-tales published in the Peterburgskaia zhizn.
- Autumn: Attends Konsntantin Sluchevski's 'Fridays', a small literary circle of poets, which Sologub would constantly attend until December 1903.
- January: Appointed the school principal of Andreevskoe municipal school. Moves to the school's flat.
- February: Appointed a member of St. Petersburg District School Council.
- Attends 'Wednesdays' of The World Of Art (Mir iskusstva), a society of Petersburg aesthets headed by Sergei Diaghilev.
- January: Awarded with an Order of St. Anna of the 3rd class.
- January: Sobranie stihov: Knigi III i IV (1897-1903) (Collected poems: 3rd & 4th Books) published.
- September: Zhalo smerti (The Sting Of Death), the second collection of short stories, published.
- December: Kniga skazok (The Book Of Fairy-tales) published.
- June 1904 - May 1905: Contributing to the Novosti i Birzhevaia gazeta. Sologub writes articles on politics, Russian-Japanese war, First Russian Revolution, society, school and children.
- June - November: The Petty Demon, Sologub's second novel, serialized in the Voprosy zhizni (No. 6-11). The publication was broken off since the magazine was closed down in November. The novel was written in 1892-1902.
- Autumn: Meets for the first time the translator Anastasia Chebotarevskaia (born 1876) at Vyacheslav Ivanov's.
Contributes to revolutionary periodicals.
- Sologub's 'Sundays', a literary circle gathered at his home, attract all the more young poets, artists and actors. Among frequent visitors are Alexander Blok, Mikhail Kuzmin, Alexei Remizov, Sergei Gorodetski, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Leon Bakst, Mstislav Dobuzhinski, Sergei Auslender and m.o.
- February: I. A Book Of The Perfect Self-Confirmation published in the Zolotoe runo (No. 2).
- April: Rodine (To Homeland), the 5th book of poems, published.
- May: Sologub and his sister Olga travel to Ufa Province for her treatmeant (she was ill with consumption). Returns to St. Petersburg in June.
- October: Politicheskie skazochki(Political Fairy-tales) published.
- Zmiy (The Dragon), the 6th book of poems, published.
- January: The essay Man Is A Demon To Man published in the Zolotoe runo (No. 1).
- February: The mystery Liturgy To Me published in the Vesy (No. 2). Published as book in March.
- February - March: The drama Dar mudryh pchyol (The Gift Of Wise Bees) published in the Zolotoe runo (No. 2-3). Published as book in 1918.
- March: The Petty Demon published as book.
- June: Undertaking the last attempts for his sister's treatment, Sologub travels with her to Finland. She dies on 28 June. Sologub returns to St. Petersburg in July.
- July: Retires after 25 years of public service as teacher.
Moves to a private flat.
Istlevayuschie lichiny (Decaying Guises), the third collection of short stories, published.
- August - September: The drama Lubvi (To Love) published in the Pereval (No. 8-9).
- December: Sologub's translations of Paul Verlaine's selected poems published as book (2nd edition 1923).
- January: The drama Vanka klyuchnik i pazh Zhean (Vanka The Housekeeper And Page Jean) published in the Novye mysli (No. 1). Published as book in 1909.
- February: Plamenny krug (The Fiery Circle), the 8th book of poems, published (2nd edition, 1922).
- The tragedy The Victory Of Death published.
Kniga razluk (The Book Of Partings), the fourth collection of short stories, published.
- March: The essay The Theatre Of Single Will published in the book Teatr. In the essay Sologub states his principal aesthetic views on the modern theatre.
- Autumn: Marriage of Fyodor Sologub and Anastasia Chebotarevskaya.
- September: Vanka The Housekeeper And Page Jean produced by Nikolai Evreinov at Vera Komissarzhevskaia's Theatre in St. Petersburg.
- December: The fairy drama Nochnye plyaski (Night Dances) published in the Russkaia mysl (No. 12).
- February: Sologub's translation of Voltaire's novel Candide published (2nd edition 1919).
- 9 March: Night Dances presented at Liteyni Theatre in St. Petersburg. The play was produced by Nikolai Evreinov and played by such writers and artists as Leon Bakst, Ivan Bilibin, Sergei Gorodetski, Boris Kustodiev, Alexei Remizov, Maximilian Voloshin a.o.
- March: Sologub's translation of Guy de Maupassant's novel Strong As Death published as a volume of the Complete Works of Maupassant (2nd edition 1925).
- May: Kniga ocharovaniy (The Book Of Enchantments), the fifth collection of short stories and legends, published.
Sologub travels abroad for the first time. He and Chebotarevskaia visit France.
- September: The drama The Petty Demon published. A few weeks later Sologub travels to Kiev to supervise the production of the drama at Solovtsov's Theatre. On 7 January 1910 the drama was produced by K. Mardjanov at Nezlobin's Theatre in Moscow.
- Shipovnik publishes The Complete Works of Fyodor Sologub in 12 volumes, which consist of two novels, dramas, selected articles and fairy-tales, three volumes of poetry and five volumes of short stories.
- July: Lives in the country in Estland.
- August: Moves to 31 Raz'ezzhaia Street. In this new flat Chebotarevskaia holds a salon which is attended by artists, writers, poets, lawyers and politicians; masquerades are arranged, too.
- 3 January: Masquerade at Sologub's where the infamous incident "with tail" happens. Count Alexei Tolstoi and Alexei Remizov are involved into the scandal.
- Summer: O Fyodore Sologube. Kritika (About Fyodor Sologub: Critics) published. That collection of critical works compiled by Chebotarevskaia contains over 30 critical essays, notes and reviews written by famous Russian critics and writers: Ivanov-Razumnik, Kornei Chukovski, Lev Shestov, Zinaida Hippius, Andrei Bely, Innokenti Annenski and many other.
- June - August: Lives in the country in Estland.
- Translates Oscar Wilde's poems in prose and The Harlot's House for The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde published by A. Marx.
- April - November: The novel Slasche yada (Sweeter Than Poison) serialized in the Novaia zhizn (No. 4-11). The novel was written in 1897-1912.
- May: The drama Mechta-pobeditelnitsa (The Conquering Dream) published in the Teatr i iskusstvo.
- July - September: Lives in the country in Estland.
- October: Meets Igor Severianin.
- 6 November: The first performance of Zalozhniki zhizni (The Hostages Of Life) produced by Vsevolod Meyerhold at Alexandrinski Theatre in St. Petersburg. In December the drama was produced at Solovtsov's Theatre in Kiev; in February 1914 at Novy Theatre in Penza. Published in Shipovnik's 18th almanac.
- The drama War And Peace published. The drama was written after the Leo Tolstoy novel.
- 1 March: Presents the lecture The Art Of These Days in the concert hall of Tenishevskoe school in St. Petersburg. The lecture attended by Alexander Blok, Leonid Andreev, Alexei Remizov, Alexei Tolstoi and others.
- March - April: Tours through Russia with lecturing The Art Of These Days. Visits Minsk, Wilno, Kharkov, Ekaterinslav, Odessa, Poltava, Rostov-on-the-Don, Ekaterinodar, Simferopol, Baku, Tiflis, Kutais and Batum. The tour is backed up by A. Chebotarevskaia (reads a Sologub short story) and Igor Severianin (reads his own poems). Returns to St. Petersburg on 15 April.
- Summer: Lives in the country in Estland.
- November - December: Tours through southern Russian towns with lecturing The Art Of These Days. Visits Kursk, Zhitomir, Elisavetgrad, Chernigov.
- November 1913 - Autumn 1914: Sirin publishes The Complete Works of Fyodor Sologub in 20 volumes. The first 12 volumes are completely similar to those of the Shipovnik edition. The 13th and 17th volumes consist of poems. The latter one, Ocharovania zemli (Enchantments Of Earth), contains only the newest poems written in 1913 and includes the famous cycle of triolets. The 14th volume, Neutolimoe (The Unappeasable), consists of new short stories 1911-1913. The 18th-20th volumes contain the complete edition of the trilogy The Created Legend (written in 1905-1913; serialized in periodicals in 1907, 1908, 1909, 1912 and 1913). The trilogy (three novels) originally was called Navi chary (Charms Of Death).
- The drama Liubov nad bezdnami (Love Over The Abyss) published in Shipovnik's 22nd almanac.
- January: Tours through Novgorod and Pskov with lecturing The Art Of These Days.
- 20 January: Performs at the Dispute on modern literature in the hall of Kalashnikovskaia commodity exchange. Sologub states his views on Symbolism.
- January - February: Tours through Russia with lecturing The Art Of These Days. Visits Riga, Voronezh, Tambov, Saratov, Penza, Samara, Kazan, Nizhni Novgorod. Returns to St. Petersburg on 13 February.
- February: Tours through southern Russian towns with lecturing The Art Of These Days. Visits Kishinev, Herson and others.
- March: Tours through Vologda and Vyatka with lecturing The Art Of These Days. Returns to St. Petersburg on 9 March.
The first issue of the Dnevniki pisatelei (Writers' Journals) published and edited by Sologub comes out. The magazine was founded by Sologub and Chebotarevskaia under the motto "Free ideas in free form".
- April: The second issue of the Dnevniki pisatelei comes out.
- April - June: Sologub and Chebotarevskaia travel abroad. They visit Germany, France and Spain. Sologub delivers the lecture in Paris and Berlin. Returns to St. Petersburg in the middle of June.
- July: The united third-fourth issue of the Dnevniki pisatelei comes out to be the last one. The outbreak of the Great War leaves Sologub's further plans unrealized. The drama Provody (Farewell) published.
- Summer: Lives in the country in Estland. Translates Heinrich von Kleist's dramas Penthesilea (published 1914), Das Kathchen von Heilbronn (published 1923) and Der zerbrochene Krug (published 1923).
- February: Voina (War), a collection of patriotic poems, published.
- June: Sologub's first book translated into English, "The Sweet-scented Name" And Other Fairy-Tales, Fables and Stories, published in London by Constable and in New York by Putnam's Sons; the book was translated by Stephen Graham.
Another book translated into English, "The Old House" And Other Tales, published in London by Martin Secker; the book was translated by John Cournos.
- July - September: Lives at Nabatova's estate by Kostroma in Yaroslavl province.
14 September Sologub and Chebotarevskaia officially are married in church.
- Autumn: The drama Kamen, broshenny v vodu (Semya Vorontsovyh) (A Stone Thrown Into Water (The Vorontsovs)) published.
Schit (The Shield), a collection of essays on Jewish issue, published; the book was edited by Maxim Gorky, Leonid Andreev and Fyodor Sologub.
- November: The lecture The Art Of These Days published in the Russkaia mysl (No. 11).
Sologub tours through Russian towns with lecturing Russia In Dreams And Expectations. Visits Moscow, Saratov, Kharkov, Tula, Yaroslavl, Vitebsk, Tver and others. Returns to Petersburg on 24 November.
19 November: The production of A Stone Thrown Into Water (The Vorontsovs) at the Kharkov Theatre of Drama.
- January 1915 - October 1917: Contributing to the Birzhevye vedomosti. Sologub writes articles on the Great War, February Revolution, politics and social issues.
- John Cournos consequently translates The Little Demon (this one with Richard Aldington), The Created Legend and The Victory Of Death. All the authorized translations are published within 1916 in London by Martin Secker.
- Yary god (The Ardent Year), a collection of wartime short stories, published.
- January - March: Sologub tours through Russia with lecturing Russia In Dreams And Expectations. Visits Kursk, Rostov-on-the-Don, Novocherkassk, Kozlov, Samara, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Nizhni Novgorod, Poltava, Kremenchug, Odessa, Saratov, Tsaritsyn and others.
- April: Zemlia rodnaia (Homeland, a collection of poems, published.
- Summer: Lives at Nabatova's estate by Kostroma in Yaroslavl province.
- October: Sologub tours through Siberia with lecturing Russia In Dreams And Expectations. Visits Ekaterinburg, Omsk, Novonikolaevsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Petropavlovsk, Tyumen, Perm. Returns to Petersburg on 30 October.
- November: Sologub tours through Russia with lecturing Russia In Dreams And Expectations. Visits Ryazan, Tambov, Voronezh and others.
After the return the Sologubs move to Vasilyevski Island.
- Little Tales published in Cleveland, Ohio. The book was translated by J. Cournos.
- A series of films based on Sologub's novels released within 1917: Slasche yada (Sweeter Than Poison), Lik zverya (The Image Of Beast)
- The Shield, a collection of essays on Jewish issue, published in English in New York. The book was edited by Maxim Gorky, Leonid Andreev and Fyodor Sologub.
- January - February: Sologub tours through Ukranian towns with lecturing Russia In Dreams And Expectations.
- February - March: Sologub welcomes February Revolution and the Abdication of Nicolas II.
- March: Founds and heads The Union of Artists.
- May: The drama Lyubov i vernost (Love And Devotion) published in the Russkaia mysl (No. 5).
- June: A new collection of poems, Alyi mak (Red Poppy), published.
- Summer: Lives at Nabatova's estate by Kostroma in Yaroslavl province.
- October: Sologub is hostilely disposed to the Bolshevist coup d'etat but tries to be not pessimistic about it.
- December 1917 - July 1918: Contributing to independent newspapers opposed to the Bolshevist Soviet government.
- January - April: Participates in various cultural events appealed to draw public attention to the Bolshevist vandalism.
- March: Sologub and Chebotarevskaia found the Union Of Fiction and Poetry Authors.
- 19 April: Speaks on behalf of the Union Of Artists at Maxim Gorky's flat at the meeting of artists with People's Commissar of Education Anatoli Lunacharski.
- June: Participates in writing the collective novel Baker's Dozen, which remained unfinished due to closing down the newspaper it was published in.
- Summer: Lives at Nabatova's estate by Kostroma in Yaroslavl province.
- Slepaia babochka (The Blind Butterfly), a collection of new short stories, published.
- Love And Devotion produced at the Yalta Municipal Theatre.
- Enters the Petersburg Union of Journalists.
- January: Applies to the Soviet government for permission to leave Russia.
- 20 May: The pseudonym Sologub becomes the writer's official surname.
- Summer: Lives at Nabatova's estate by Kostroma in Yaroslavl province.
- The drama Uzor iz roz (The Pattern Of Roses) published (written in 1916).
- Love Over The Abyss produced at Burgtheater in Vienna.
- Summer: Lives at Nabatova's estate by Kostroma in Yaroslavl province.
- September 1920 - May 1921: Makes hand-written books of poems and sells them through bookshops and fellow writers in Petersburg and Moscow.
- Spring: Visits Estonian diplomatic mission for gaining exit visas.
- Summer: New books of poems published: Nebo goluboe (Blue Sky), Odna lyubov (/The Only Love).
Sologub's last collection of short stories, Sochtennye dni (Numbered Days), published.
Sologub's last novel Zaklinatelnica zmei (The Snake-Charmer) published in Berlin (in December in Petersburg). The novel was written in 1914-18.
- 23 September: Death of Anastasia Sologub-Chebotarevskaia, just two days before the date of leaving Russia.
- October: Moves to 2/1 Zhdanovka Embankment.
- December: Fimiamy (Incense), a collection of poems, published.
- Koster dorozhnyi (Wayside Camp-fire), a collection of poems, published.
- March: Svirel (Reed-pipe), a book of stylized pastoral poems, published.
- Sologub's translation of Honore de Balzac's Droll Tales published.
- October: Two collections of poems published: Sobornyi blagovest (Cathedral Bells), Charodeinaia chasha (Magic Goblet).
- July: Veliki blagovest (Great Bells), the extended version of Sobornyi blagovest, published.
- July - December: Translates Frederic Mistrale's vast poem Mireille (the translation remains unpublished).
- December: Translates German Expressionists (Franz Werfel, Ivan Goll, Kurt Heynicke, Paul Zech, Jakob van Hoddis, Georg Heym and Gotfried Benn) for the anthology Molodaya Germania (Young Germany; published in 1926).
- 11 February: Celebration in honour of the 40th anniversary of Sologub's literary activities at Alexandrinski Theatre in Petersburg.
- April: Elected to be the honorary chairman of Division of Translators in Petersburg Union Of Writers.
- June - July: Translates Taras Shevchenko's book of poems, Kobzar (published in 1934).
- Sologub's translation of Henri de Regnier's novel La double maitresse published as a volume in the Complete Works of Henri de Regnier.
- November: Elected to be the chairman of Petersburg Association of Neo-classicists.
- January: Elected to be on the board of Petersburg Union of Writers. Later elected to be its chairman.
- Spring: Falls ill. Disease progresses in the summer.
- 5 December: Sologub dies in Petersburg. Buried at Smolenskoe cemetery, 7 December.